** Big Hero 6 and all characters(c) Disney **
** Displayed with permission from Disney TV Animation**
** These boards may include revisions done by other artists **
** Recruiters: please email me for access to password-protected contents **
SEASON 2 - EPISODE 11 "City of Monsters Part 1"
** Supervising director work to revise act 3 action setpiece, part 1 **
** Storyboards by me, cleanup help by Karen Guo **

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 11 "City of Monsters Part 1"
** Supervising director work to revise act 3 action setpiece, part 2 **
** Storyboards by me, cleanup help by Steven Hirt **

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 03 "Prey Date"
** Act 3 conclusion on an episode I directed **
** Storyboards by me **

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 6 "Nega Globby"
** Act 3 Action setpiece on an episode I directed **
** Storyboards by Trey Buongiorno **

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 12 "Write Turn Here"
** Cold open on an episode I directed**
** Storyboards by me and Paulene Phouybanhdyt**

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 16 "The Globby Within"
** Short Act 2 Montage on an episode I directed**
** Storyboards by me and Tatiana Wen**

All materials (c) Ben Juwono / e1n @ eeCAFE+ Studio
All Rights Reserved. No image, or any part of any image in this site may be
used / altered / reprinted commercially without written permission.